PHP Web Development


Over the years, the popularity of PHP has increased tremendously, rapidly adding numbers to PHP clientele endeavoring to carve
their business vision into an intriguing reality. Wildnet’s PHP professionals have contributed significantly in
complex website designing making them more robust, innovative, compatible, and secure.

There is always more you can learn about PHP

PHP is considered an appropriate paradigm of imperative, object-oriented, functional, reflective, and procedural characteristics.
Some of its notable frameworks we use that cater across CMS, E-commerce, Blog, and eLearning Module are as follows :

Portal Development


CakePHP, Zend,
Yii, & Code Igniter

Corporate Website

Content Management

PHP Web Development at Wildnet

Wildnet’s PHP web development team, has an extensive experience in delivering top notch enterprise level services. We take pride in all-embracing PHP to various business verticals. We leverage all its success factors and unparalleled methodologies to accomplish the most out of any project.

Our continuous process of learning is our foundation. We replicate the processes for a number of use cases and even work to create the new ones when the need arises. Our continual efforts during our services and afterwards is just another reason to have earned precious clientele.

View Our Portfolio

Staff augmentation

We take immense pride in our experts. Majority of them have an impressive work experience of more than 7 years in PHP web application development and they are just unstoppable. Our PHP professionals are exposed to broadened leeway to research and learning. Wildnet team is awarded as the best PHP web application development company in previous years. And here is what they are proficient at–

Proficiency in Magento, CakePHP, Laravel, Ajax, Angular JS, SVG, CodeIgnitor, Editor, OOP skills and other languages

Timely deliveries as per service-level agreement

Timely updates on project

Ensuring attendance on weekends

Thorough back-end knowledge and software programming